Guest Blogger, Ed Gawlinski, has been involved in many cultural organizations throughout his life.
The season of Lent has started. Lent is a season during which Christians prepare for Easter. The English custom is to start Lent by having pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday). A children’s rhyme goes with this…
Pancakes and fritters,
Say the bells of Saint Peter’s.Or
Hark I hear the pancake bell
And fritters make a gallant smell.
One of the Lenten disciplines is to avoid foods made with fat, which is the reason for the English custom of using up your fat by making pancakes the day before Lent starts. The Polish custom is to make Pączki, a type of donut.
At these links below you can find some recipes for Pączki:
Recipe for Paczki
Another Recipe for Paczki
One more Recipe for Pączki
This article was posted on Tuesday, February 19th, 2008 at 2:26 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, Customs and Traditions, Easter, England, English, English Nursery Rhymes, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Lent, Nursery Rhymes, Nursery Rhymes about Easter, Nursery Rhymes about Holidays, Nursery Rhymes about Pancake Day, Poland, Rhymes by Theme, United Kingdom. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.