The Hindi poem "Duniya goal hai" is a fun rhyme about round things! You can listen to a Hindi recording of the poem below and read along with the original Hindi text, followed by the pronunciation and an English translation.
MP3 Recording of Duniya goal hai
दीदी की बिंदी गोल है
भैया का गेंद गोल है
माँ की रोटी गोल है
बाबूजी के पैसे गोल हैं
दादाजी के चश्में गोल है
साईकिल का पहिया गोल है
नानीजी के बनाये लड्डू गोल हैं
ये अमरुद गोल हैं
सारी दुनिया गोल है
Deedee kee bindee goal hai.
Bhaiyya ka gend goal hai.
Maa kee rotee goal hai.
Baboojee key paise goal hain.
Dadajee kay chashmein goal hain.
Cycle ka pahiya goal hai.
Naneejee ke banaaye laddu goal hain.
Ye amrood goal hain.
Saree duniya goal hai.
The moon uncle (1) is round.
The elder sister’s bindi (2) is round.
Brother’s ball is round,
Mother’s chapati bread is round.
Father’s coins are round.
Grandfather’s goggles are round.
The bicycle’s wheel is round.
The sweet laddu (3) balls made by granny are round.
These guavas are round.
The entire world is round.
(1) Maternal Uncle
(2) A Bindi is the small dot placed (or the round sticker pasted) on the forehead of a Hindu girl or woman.
(3) Laddu is a round Hindi sweet made with flour, sugar and other ingredients. It’s often made for special occasions like weddings and births.
Many thanks to Suresh Kumar from I Speak Hindi for sharing this poem with the translation and recording. Suresh wrote, "In the above original poem (I’m not sure who wrote it), I incorporated a few lines to make it more appealing and interesting."
Thanks again Suresh!
-Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Tuesday, June 25th, 2013 at 3:25 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, Hindi, India, Languages, Poems, Poems about the World, Poetry. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
April 30th, 2014 at 3:12 pm
we all love hindi songs