A lot of people are still having a tough time financially. Even if you’re not, who can’t use ways to spend less money for Christmas, but still give nice, fun gifts?
One great idea is to trade in old electronic games and equipment to GameStop for credit towards new toys. You won’t get the original price, but if they’re just gathering dust, what do you have to lose? Be aware that the newer or more popular the games, the more you’ll make.
If you do this, you can get either cash or store credit. If you take store credit, they don’t charge you tax when you use it. If you take cash, they’ll give you less than if you take store credit.
Someone I spoke to said they got a new Wii for half price by turning in old equipment.
If you really want to save, you can buy used games and consoles. They guarantee them with the receipt for a certain amount of time. Check with your nearest store for details about their return policy.
They have special trade-in deals throughout the year too to get extra money or store credit.
My son asked why I’m advertising for GameStop. This isn’t an ad… I just think it’s a great way to make Christmas happen this year for people who are hurting financially. And like I said, even if you still have your job, aren’t we all a bit worried about the economy? It’s a good year to be financially prudent.
Have a Merry Christmas! Remember, in the end, it’s about spending time with loved ones and showing you care however you’re able.
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Saturday, December 18th, 2010 at 3:28 pm and is filed under Birthdays, Computer Games, Customs and Traditions, Electronic Games, Games Around the World, Gift Giving, Gift Ideas, Gift Ideas for Kids, Holidays Around the World, Parenting, Recommendations, Toys, Wii. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.