It’s the day after Easter and I’m still thinking of eggs! That’s because we’re having work done on our house, so we didn’t have time to dye eggs this year. Yet I have 3 dozen eggs sitting in my fridge. We can’t forgo this Springtime custom! So, we’re going to hollow out many of the eggs and decorate them in a more Spring-like fashion to display for the season. Maybe I’ll look for photos of real birds eggs that are different colors and try to duplicate the look.
Meanwhile, I had to learn how to hollow out eggs. It’s much easier than I thought! There are two ways to do it. Both methods are explained below with photos.
Method 1 for Hollowing out Eggs
The first way to hollow out eggs involves making two holes on each end of the egg and blowing out the inner egg. The advantage to this method is that the holes can be smaller.
1) First, I recommend washing the egg with soap and water.
2) Second, take a thick pin and gently push it into the egg on the long end. You can use a scrunched up paper towel to help push it in.
3) Third, make a hole on the other end of the egg.
4) Leave one hole very small and make the other a little larger.
5) Take the needle and put it into the hole and break the yolk.
6) Blow hard into the little hole with your mouth to get the egg to come out the larger hole and into a bowl.
(Okay, it does look gross and you don’t want it going in your mouth! There could be a small danger here of salmonella poisoning. If you’re worried about this, use method 2 below.)
7) Once the whole egg has been blown out of the shell, gently wash the shell in warm soapy water. (I washed it twice.) Then rinse it and put on paper towel to dry.
Method 2 for Hollowing out Eggs
Using this method you don’t have to blow out the egg – making it safer, because the egg isn’t near your mouth. You make only one larger hole in one side of the egg and shake out the egg. Here’s how:
1) Wash the egg with soap and water.
2) Take a thick pin and gently push it into the egg on the long end. You can use a scrunched up paper towel to help push it in. (See photo in step 2 above.)
3) Take the needle and put it into the hole gently making the hole bigger. Then break the yolk with the pin.
4) Empty the egg into a bowl by gently shaking the egg out the hole.
The hole may end up bigger after the egg comes out (watch out for shells if you’re using the inner egg.)
5) Gently wash the shell in warm soapy water. (I washed it twice.) Then rinse it and put on paper towel to dry.
My sister’s friends came for dessert on Easter. She brought with her eggs hollowed out using method 2. Then she dyed them with her kids. Lastly, they put confetti into the holes of the eggs. Then they glued a piece of colored tissue paper over the hole of each egg with Elmer’s Glue. Then the kids took the eggs and cracked them over each other’s heads and confetti came out. Fun! Thanks to Diane for the great idea!
It turns out that confetti eggs are a tradition in Mexico called Cascarones. According to Wikipedia:
Decorated, confetti-filled cascarones are either thrown (for instance, during the fiesta of Carnaval) or crushed over the recipient’s head showering him or her with confetti. This tradition is most often carried out among friends and family. Like many popular traditions in Mexico, cascarones are increasingly popular in the southwestern United States. In addition to Easter, cascarones have become popular during occasions including birthdays, Halloween, Cinco de Mayo, Dieciséis, Day of the Dead, and weddings (wedding cascarones can be filled with birdseed)…. Having a cascarón broken over your head is said to bring good luck.”
Zoe at Play by the Book recommends adding glitter to the eggs for fun and dyed rice to give them extra weight to make them easier for small kids to crush them.
Enjoy whatever you decide to make with your hollowed out eggs! Come back soon for details about coloring the egg shells.
Mama Lisa
NOTE: Here’s a link to the FDA’s page about Playing it Safe about Eggs – for info about egg safety.
This article was posted on Monday, April 5th, 2010 at 6:51 pm and is filed under Arts and Crafts, Cascarones, Cinco de Mayo, Countries & Cultures, Customs and Traditions, Easter, Easter Eggs, Holidays Around the World, How to Hollow Out Eggs, Mexico, The Day of the Dead, USA, Weddings. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
April 6th, 2010 at 7:02 pm
Maria Alexandra Hayda commented:
“Well, when I was between 3 and 10, my Grandfather did the ‘suck’ method. I also did that many times! Poke a hole, and suck out the protein! Yes, sounds gross, but that’s what bodybuilders do! And, no, my Grandfather was not a bodybuilder, but an outdoor farmer who needed his protein and strength. And, it doesn’t suck, either. However, I’m the one that eats headcheese each day. Grow up Ukrainian, and continue to enjoy the customs as an adult ;)”
Later Marijka added:
“Ohhhhhh! Forgot to tell you WHY my Grandfather sucked out the raw egg! My Grandmother made Pysanky, or those beeswaxed, painstaking, hand-painted eggs by hand. I still have several that were not broken! They are my keepsakes!”
Thanks for commenting Marijka! I believe in the old days there was less salmonella in eggs. Now 1 in 20,000 have it!
April 8th, 2010 at 1:45 am
This post would have been perfect for me about a month ago! I’ve been stockpiling blown eggs to make cascarones ( ) – In the end I adopted your second technique as quite often I needed the egg “whole” for frying rather than already pre-scrambled!
June 2nd, 2010 at 12:14 am
Ya use a straw.
May 13th, 2012 at 10:57 am
Mama Lisa, Thank you SOOO MUCH!!! I’m making breakfast for my Mom on Mother’s Day, and I thought …… What if I could hollow out an egg and put a note in it! So I got online and found your site. It helped me alot, even though I stuck myself with a pin… (OWWWW) Thank You Very Much!!!
Kat H.
May 13th, 2012 at 11:17 am
You gotta be careful with those pins! I used a thick one that could barely prick you. I think it was the type used for the finishing touches on crochet projects. Be careful! I’m glad you were able to do your project for your Mom!
May 13th, 2012 at 11:19 am
Be careful with those needles! I used a crochet needle, it’s very thick so it can’t prick you.
Glad you were able to do the project though!
April 1st, 2014 at 5:08 am
[…] spring to mind, let each guest create their own Easter masterpiece. To make the eggs last longer, learn to hollow them out – you can then even use the empty eggs to make pretty egg garlands to […]
July 16th, 2014 at 9:18 am
Oh my god thank you so much!! I have looked every were to find a way to make a large hole on the bottom of a hollowed egg so I can make jelly eggs!! I’m a little worried about cooking with the eggshells though…. I can’t get the disease if I use it like that can I!???
July 16th, 2014 at 7:56 pm
Kyliesha – Here’s a link to the FDA’s page about Playing it Safe about Eggs. You should refer to that about egg safety.
February 27th, 2015 at 2:24 am
Thank you so much! I needed to make a hollowed out egg for a psychology project where we need to take the egg and treat it as a child for a metaphorical child rearing lesson, and this saved me.
April 1st, 2015 at 2:23 am
[…] I got the general idea and then I figured most of it out on my own. The materials I used were one hollow eggshell, Nori Paste (a great slow-drying water soluable glue perfect for paper projects) and origami paper. […]
September 22nd, 2018 at 4:57 pm
Perfect use for the duck eggs that were rained on last night 😁