Does Anyone Know a Swedish Song about Santa Having a Cold at Christmastime?

Kendall Bergstrom wrote to me asking for help with a Swedish Christmas song about Santa having a cold.  Here’s what he wrote:


Do you have the song about Santa and his cold during Christmas time?  My father used to sing it every Christmas eve, and it ended with Santa sneezing saying, "Achee Achee Achee pruuzee!"…  Or something that sounded like that!  

Thanks so much,

If anyone can help Kendall with the original Swedish version of this song and/or an English translation, please let us know in the comments below.

Thanks in advance!

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Wednesday, December 28th, 2011 at 9:14 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Christmas, Christmas Songs, Countries & Cultures, Holiday Songs, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Readers Questions, Sweden, Swedish, Swedish Children's Songs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Responses to “Does Anyone Know a Swedish Song about Santa Having a Cold at Christmastime?”

  1. maria Says:


    The song is called “tomtegubben som hade snuva”
    This is the Swedish version on the text.

    En liten tomtegubbe satt en gång
    vid stugan sin uppå en tuva,
    han tyckte dagen var så fasligt lång,
    han satt och vände på sin luva.
    Usch, han frös och han nös,
    atschi, atschi, atschi, prosit!
    Usch, han frös och han nös
    stackars gubben hade snuva.

    Men tomtegumman sade: “Vad står på?
    Du skrämmer både mig och katten,
    till doktor Mullvad ska du genast gå,
    så att vi kan få ro till natten.
    Gör dig fin, gubben min,
    atschi, atschi, atschi, prosit!
    Gör dig fin, gubben min,
    och ta på dig söndagshatten.”

    Och gubben gick till doktor Mullvad in,
    som bodde under björkestubben,
    och doktorn laga genast medicin,
    som han tog fram ur källarskrubben.
    “Hoppsansa, nu blir jag bra!
    atschi, atschi, atschi, prosit!
    Hoppsansa, nu blir jag bra!
    det nös jag på,” sa tomtegubben.

    Text & musik: Felix Körling


  2. Lisa Says:

    Thanks Maria! That was published in 1915.

    Here’s a rough English translation:

    Little old Santa sat once
    At his cottage upon a knoll,
    He thought the day was so awfully long,
    He sat and put on his hood.
    Yikes, he froze and he sneezed,
    Achoo, achoo, achoo, sneezy!
    Yikes, he froze and he sneezed
    Poor old Santa had a cold.

    But old Mrs. Claus said: “What’s up?
    You’re scaring both me and the cat,
    You should immediately go to Dr. Mole,
    So that we can both have a quiet night.
    Be smart, my old man,
    Achoo, achoo, achoo, sneezy!
    Be smart, my old man,
    And put on your Sunday hat.”

    And the old man went to Dr Mole,
    Who lived in the birch stump,
    And the doctor immediately prepared medicine,
    Which he took out of the basement closet.
    “See me jump, now I’m good!
    Achoo, achoo, achoo, sneezy!
    See me jump, now I’m good!
    I sneezed on it!” said old Santa.

  3. Jörgen Says:

    Kurt Olssons julkalender – Tomtegubben som hade snuva

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