Dance Like a Butterfly Song from Cameroon

imageNyango M. Nambangi sent us this Cameroonian song from her childhood in Africa. It’s a lovely song to sing with children and they can even dance while singing! Like many African songs, it’s a call and response song. 

In the recording below, Nyango explains how to sing and dance to the song.  Then she sings it for us! 

MP3 Recording of Dance Like a Butterfly

Dance Like a Butterfly

Verse 1

Lead: If you look at me, I will dance like a butterfly.

All: Dance like a butterfly, dance like a butterfly.

Verse 2

Lead: If you look at me, I will fly like an aeroplane.

All: Fly like an aeroplane, fly like an aeroplane.

Song Instructions: The lead singer sings the first line of the verse.  Then the group sings the second line of the verse while doing the action (i.e. put arms out and dance like a butterfly or fly like an airplane).

Many thanks to Nyango M. Nambangi of the Minnesota African Women’s Association (MAWA) for contributing and singing this song for us!  MAWA is an organization that promotes the health and well-being of African women and their families.

Check out MAWA’s Etsy store where you can buy African dolls, pillows, aprons & bags and more!


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Saturday, December 10th, 2011 at 2:38 pm and is filed under Action Songs, Call and Response Songs, Cameroon, Cameroonian Children's Songs, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Dances, England, English, Games Around the World, Languages, Recordings, Recordings of Songs, Songs by Theme, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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