Nyango Melissa, originally from Cameroon, recently sent me these songs with a recording. Here’s what she wrote with the mp3 of the songs…
Just thought of these the other day. The clock/time songs sound a lot like they’re of British origin:
1) Tick, says the clock, tick, tick,
What you have to do, do quick,
Tick, says the clock,
Tick, says the clock, tick, tick,
What you have to do, do quick.This one is usually sung at the end of the school day :-)
2) Tick, Tock, says the clock
Time is passing, go away
Tick, Tock, says the clock
It’s time for us to go away.Tick, Tock, says the clock
Time is passing, go away
Tick, Tock, says the clock
It’s time for us to go away.(Or the last line of each verse can be “It’s time for us to go and play.”)
So rushed, I just took a quick break to send these songs since they are running in my mind :-)
Check out our Cameroonian Pages for more songs from Cameroon. Many thanks to Nyango Melissa Nambangi of the Minnesota African Women’s Association for contributing and singing these songs for us!
Mama Lisa
Minnesota African Women’s Association has products available that were stitched by their sewing group. They’re available for purchase online at Etsy. They have beautiful pillows, dolls dressed in traditional and contemporary African fashions, tote bags, hats and more!
This article was posted on Thursday, January 28th, 2010 at 2:51 pm and is filed under Cameroon, Cameroonian Children's Songs, Children's Songs, Clock Songs, Countries & Cultures, English, Languages, Mama Lisa, MP3's, Recordings of Songs, Songs by Theme, Time Songs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.