Can Someone Help with the Tune to the Hindi Song “”Tick Tick Tick””?

Veronica wrote:

Hi Lisa,

I am a musician living in the middle of a field in the North of England! Amongst other things, I do lots of World music/dance/instrument sessions with people of all ages.One of these is an Asian Day where, up to now, I’ve included a difficult but possible song in Hindi (Mandi dialect).

I’ve just looked at your website for the 1st time and was delighted to find your Indian children’s songs – particularly as all my Asian friends reckon that generally kids sing adult folk songs rather than nursery rhymes. I love the Tick, Tick, Tick specially as I’ll soon be working with 3 to 5 year olds and it is so suitable (and would lead to brilliant discussion on whether Indian sparrows sound like English ones!) but… I need the tune… how/where can I find it? I’d be really grateful if you could help.

Veronica (Perrin)

We have the song lyrics to Tick Tick Tick in Hindi and with an English translation – you can click the link to see them. Unfortunately, we don’t know the tune. If anyone can send us the tune in midi or mp3 format, that would be great! It can be a midi tune – or you could sing it for us so we can hear how you sing it – or even play it on an instrument. Please email me if you can help out.

Thanks in advance (a lot)!

– Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Friday, September 28th, 2007 at 10:42 am and is filed under Children's Songs, Children's Songs from India, Countries & Cultures, Hindi, Hindi Children's Songs, India, Languages, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

One Response to “Can Someone Help with the Tune to the Hindi Song “”Tick Tick Tick””?”

  1. Alexandra Says:

    I have also been wondering what the tune is, so I will be keeping my eyes out to see if some kind soul sends the tune in.

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