Mary asked me for help with a Swedish song. Here’s what she wrote:
I lived in Sweden as an exchange student, many years ago. I have a small music box from then that I now want to give to my granddaughter. The music it plays is a Swedish children’s song, something like:
Titta, kom och tita, nu dagen tagar slut. Så lovar vi att sova så gott, efter dagen är vi kanske trött. _______________________________________.
I don’t think I have all the words right, and am missing the last line.
Thank you for your help.
If anyone can help Mary, please let us know in the comments below. We welcome help with the original Swedish song and/or a translation.
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Saturday, December 18th, 2010 at 9:51 am and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Languages, Questions, Readers Questions, Sweden, Swedish, Swedish Children's Songs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
December 18th, 2010 at 8:32 pm
I found it! It’s a song about John Blund, who is similar to the sandman….here are the words. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful on-line resources!
Titta, kom och titta
Titta, kom och titta, kom sätt er här omkring.
Det dröjer säkert ännu en stund
innan sömnen kommer med John Blund.
Han vill visa oss någonting.
Sedan, genast sedan när sagan tagit slut
så lovar vi att sova så sött
efter dagen är man ganska trött.
Men först tar John Blund med oss ut.
Läggdags, det är läggdags för klockan slagit sju.
Vi träffas säkert åter en dag
då vi roar oss igen ett slag,
sov så gott! God natt med er nu.
December 18th, 2010 at 9:50 pm
How’s this for an English translation?
Look, Come and Watch
Take a look, come look, come sit around here.
It will probably take a while longer
Before sleep comes with the Sandman (John Blund).
He wants to show us something.
Then, right after, when the story has ended
We promise to sleep so sweetly
After that time we’ll be pretty tired.
But first the Sandman will take us out.
Bedtime, it’s bedtime for the clock has struck seven.
We’ll probably meet once some day
When we’ll enjoy ourselves again for a while,
Sleep well! Good night to you now.
December 11th, 2011 at 10:06 am
song begins at 2:09