Can Anyone Help with a Russian Song about House Chores?

Patricia is looking for a Russian song learned in St Petersburg. It sounds like…

Koupimi babouchka (Koopeemee babooshka)

Oun tibi kourichkou (Oon teebee kooreeshkoo)

When you sing the song you mimic house chores while listing them: sweeping, ironing, etc.

If anyone can help with the lyrics to the song or even the name, please comment below or email me.

Thanks in advance!

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Thursday, September 19th, 2019 at 4:47 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, Folk Songs, Languages, Mama Lisa, Questions, Readers Questions, Russia, Russian, Russian Children's Songs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Responses to “Can Anyone Help with a Russian Song about House Chores?”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Anna wrote:

    Mama Lisa,

    Here is a link to the the song “Kupim mi babuska tebe kurochku”. I think this is what you are looking for. This version is not about house chores. It imitates different animals, but there might be versions with sweeping the floors that I don’t know of.

    What a wonderful project you have. I grew up in Russia on English nursery rhymes and Russian folk songs. Now live in US.



  2. Monique Says:

    Patricia wrote back “It’s the right song but I realized that the song mimicking the house chores was a different one. As I don’t speak Russian, it’s hard to recreate the lyrics. I remember that while ironing was mimicked, the lyrics went “stiraye stiraye, stiraye mebillionne” (stee -ry- ey mey-bee-lee-on) then sweeping was mimicked and the sentence always ended with “mebillione”.
    Does that ring a bell to anyone?

  3. Lisa Says:

    It seems it’s a version of:

    Купим мы, бабушка
    (Kupim mi babushka tebe kurochku)

    We’ll Buy a Chicken, Grandma

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