Can Anyone Help with a Bulgarian Song?

Roger wrote asking for help.  Here’s what he emailed us:

Dear Lisa,

I am trying to find information about a song which I believe to be Bulgarian.

I starts:

Todora todorke vecheya la lisi…

Obviously I’m not sure about spelling. Do you know it?

Thanks for any info,


If anyone can help with the original lyrics of this song and/or a translation, please let us know in the comments below.


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Saturday, November 19th, 2011 at 7:43 pm and is filed under Bulgaria, Bulgarian, Countries & Cultures, Readers Questions, Songs by Theme. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

4 Responses to “Can Anyone Help with a Bulgarian Song?”

  1. Virginia Says:

    I don’t know if you still care:
    In Bulgarian:

    Тодоро, Тодорке! Вечеряла ли си?
    Вечеряла ли си? Вино пила ли си?
    Ни съм вечеряла, ни съм вино пила –
    снощи съм седяла, Тодор съм чакала.
    Тодор съм чакала от лов да се върне,
    от лов да се върне, лов да ми донесе:
    дребни яребички дето рано пеят
    дето рано пеят, та ме рано будят.

    Here’s how you’d read it:
    Todoro, Todorke! Vecheryala li si?
    Vecheryala li si? Vino pila li si?
    Ni sam vecheryala, ni sam vino pila –
    snoshti sam sedyala, Todor sam chakala.
    Todor sam chakala ot lov da se varne,
    ot lov da se varne, lov da mi donese:
    drebni yarebichki deto rano peyat
    deto rano peyat, ta me rano budyat.


    Todoro, Todorke! Have you had supper?
    Have you had supper? Have you had wine?
    I haven’t had supper, nor have I had wine-
    last night I sat and waited for Todor,
    I waited for him to come back from hunting,
    to come back from hunting, to bring me food,
    small quails that sing early in the morning,
    that sing early in the morning and wake me up.

  2. Sofía Says:

    Please, could anybody tell me if the song “Todoro, Todorke” from Orkestar Plovdiv does it has anything to do with the nursery rhyme? Thanks!

    Por favor, puede alguien decirme i la canción “Todoro Todorke” interpretada por Orkestar Plovdiv tiene algo que ver con la canción tradicional infantil que habéis publicado? Gracias!

  3. Sofía Says:

    Please, could anybody tell me if the song “Todoro, Todorke” from Orkestar Plovdiv does it has anything to do with the nursery rhyme? Thanks!

    Por favor, puede alguien decirme si la canción “Todoro Todorke” interpretada por Orkestar Plovdiv tiene algo que ver con la canción tradicional infantil que habéis publicado? Gracias!

  4. Please help with this (also believe) is a bulgarian song Says:

    I am not sure about the spelling, it should be terrible, but it sounds something like this (I believe is about a horse)

    Drush drush konche
    Leza Lizi lonche

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