People in parts of Western Africa and Jamaica name their children after the day on which they were born… these include the Akan people in the Ivory Coast and Ghana, the Fon people in Benin, the Ewe people of Togo and the Maroons and other descendants of slaves in Jamaica, as well as elsewhere in Africa. Sometimes the name will be the first name, sometimes the middle name.
The Jamaican names for the days of the week seem to come from the Akan language. You can see their similarities as follows (listed is the day of week, followed by the Jamaican boys/girls names, followed by the Akan boys/girls names….
Jamaican Names: Quashy (male)/Quashiba (female)
Akan: Kwesi or Kwosi (male)/Akosua (female)
Jamaican Names: Cudjo/Jubba
Akan: Kwadwo or Kojo/Adwoa
Jamaican: Quabena/Bena
Akan: Kwabena/Abenaa
Jamaican: Quaco or Cooba/Aqua or Memba
Akan: Kwaku/Akua
Jamaican: Qua/Abba
Akan: Kwaw or Yaw/Yaa
Jamaican: Cuffy/Fibba
Akan: Kofi*/Afua or Efua
Jamaican: Quamin/Quamina or Ama
Akan: Kwame/Amma
*Former Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan is from Ghana. He was born on a Friday.
We welcome you to share any special baby names in your country by commenting below.
-Mama Lisa
You can learn more variations of African and Jamaican baby names related to the days of the week here.
Image: By Three cubed27 – Own work, cc.
This article was posted on Thursday, February 25th, 2016 at 2:55 pm and is filed under Akan, Baby Names, Baby Naming, Benin, Countries & Cultures, Customs and Traditions, Ewe, Fon, Ga, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Languages, Togo. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.