Here’s a poem for the new year by Laura E. Richards from her book "Five Minute Stories". It was published back in 1895.
You can listen to a lovely recording of it being sung by Ezwa and read along with the text below…
New Year Song
"New Year, true year,
What now are you bringing?
May-day skies and butterflies,
And merry birds a-singing?
Frolic, play, all the day,
Not an hour of school?"
But the merry echo,
The laughing New Year echo,
Only answered, "School!"
"New Year, true year,
What now are you bringing?
Summer roses springing gay,
Summer vines a-swinging?
Jest and sport, the merriest sort,
Never a thought of work?"
But the merry echo,
The laughing New Year echo,
Only answered, "Work!"
"New Year, true year,
What now are you bringing?
Autumn fruits all fire-ripe,
Autumn horns a-ringing?
Keen delight o’ moonlight nights,
When dull folks are abed?"
But the merry echo,
The laughing New-Year echo,
Only answered, "Bed!"
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Monday, January 2nd, 2017 at 3:54 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, England, English, Holiday Songs, Holidays Around the World, Languages, New Years, New Years Poems, New Years Songs, Poetry, Recordings, Recordings of Poems, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.