La galette
A "galette" is a crêpe, a very thin pancake, made with buckwheat flour. In Brittany, it's called "galette" and it's normally filled with ham, eggs, and cheese and they eat it as a savory dish. A "crêpe" is made with wheat flour and they spread something sweet on it like jam or nutella and they eat it as dessert.
La galette
The Galette
Counting Song
Counting Song
Je n'avaes pâs diz ans, je cuisaes la galette
Je n'avaes pâs diz ans, je cuisaes la galette
Yene pour tai
L'aotr pour mai
L'aotr pour mon p'tit frere
Yene pour tai
L'aotr pour mai
L'aotr pour mon p'tit frere François
Je n'avaes pas neu ans, je cuisaes la galette
Je n'avaes pâs neu ans, je cuisaes la galette
Yene pour tai
L'aotr pour mai
L'aotr pour mon p'tit frere
Yene pour tai
L'aotr pour mai
L'aotr pour mon p'tit frere François
Je n'avaes pas uéte ans, je cuisaes la galette
Je n'avaes pâs uéte ans, je cuisaes la galette
Yene pour tai
L'aotr pour mai
L'aotr pour mon p'tit frere
Yene pour tai
L'aotr pour mai
L'aotr pour mon p'tit frere François
Je n'avaes pâs sete ans… , siz ans…, cinc ans…, catr…, toués…, deûz…, ene…
I wasn't even ten years old, I would cook the galette,
I wasn't even ten years old, I would cook the galette,
One for you,
The other for me,
The other for my little brother,
One for you,
The other for me,
The other for my little brother Francis.
I wasn't even nine years old, I would cook the galette,
I wasn't even nine years old, I would cook the galette,
One for you,
The other for me,
The other for my little brother,
One for you,
The other for me,
The other for my little brother Francis.
I wasn't even eight years old, I would cook the galette,
I wasn't even eight years old, I would cook the galette,
One for you,
The other for me,
The other for my little brother,
One for you,
The other for me,
The other for my little brother Francis.
I wasn't even seven years old…, six…, five…, four…, three…, two…, one…
Collected from St Vincent sur Oust - 56 - Pays de Redon (Brittany)
You can hear the song sung here.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Laurence Lejeune, Educational Adviser/Consultant in Gallo language, Rennes Education Authority (Académie de Rennes) for her contribution.