My Aunt Jane
My Aunt Jane
Children's Song
My Aunt Jane she brought me in
She gave me tea out of her wee tin
Half a bap* with sugar on the top
Three black lumps** out of her wee shop,
Half a bap with sugar on the top
Three black lumps out of her wee shop.
My Aunt Jane has a bell on the door,
A white stone step and a clean swept floor.
Candy apples, hard green pears,
Conversation lozenges,
Candy apples, hard green pears,
Conversation lozenges.
My Aunt Jane she's awful smart,
She bakes wee rings in an apple tart.
And when Halloween comes round,
For next that tart I'm always found.
And when Halloween comes round,
For next that tart I'm always found.
*A bap is a bun or roll.
**"Black lumps" are rock cakes.
Some people only sing the first verse.

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