Ein ég sit og sauma
Ein ég sit og sauma
Alone I Sit and Sew
Circle Game
Circle Game
Ein ég sit og sauma
Inni í litlu húsi.
Enginn kemur að sjá mig
Nema litla músin.
Hoppaðu upp og lokaðu augunum.
Bentu í austur
Bentu í vestur
Bentu á þann sem að þér þykir bestur.
Alone I sit and sew
In a little house
Nobody comes to see me
Except the little mouse
Jump on up and close your eyes
Point to the east
Point to the west
Point to the one that you think is best!
Game Instructions
Children gather around in a circle with one standing in the middle. That child kneels down and as the song plays, the child acts out the instructions. On the last sentence, they spin in a circle with their eyes closed and one hand with a finger extended. When the song finishes they stop and the child they ended up pointing to switches places with them and then the song repeats.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ólafur for sharing this song with the translation and game instructions.