La mie blessée
"I've just remembered this, I learned it in 7th grade maaaaany years ago." -Monique
La mie blessée
The Wounded Lady Love
Chanson traditionnelle
Folk Song
Là-haut sur la montagne,
Il y a t-un pré
Les perdrix et les cailles
Y vont nicher*.
J'ai pris mon arbalète
J'y suis monté
Croyant en tuer quatre
J'ai tout manqué
C'est le cœur de ma mie
Que j'ai touché
Ma mie, ma douce mie
T'ai-je blessée ?
Un petit peu, à peine**,
Si j'en mourais
Un baiser sur la bouche***
Me guérirait.
Up there in the mountain,
There's a meadow.
The partridges and the quails
Go to nest there.
I took my crossbow,
I went up there,
I thought I'd kill four of them,
I missed them all.
It's the heart of my lady love
I hit.
"My lady love, my sweet beloved,
Did I wound you?"
"A little bit, barely,
If I died of it,
A kiss on my mouth
Would heal me."
*Alternate line "Y vont chanter" (Go there to sing)
**Alternate line "Un petit peu, pas guère" (A little bit, not much)
***Alternate line: "Un baiser de ta bouche" (A kiss from your mouth). "It's what our music teacher taught us, maybe she thought that "a kiss on my mouth" wasn't appropriate for 12 year old students in a school setting." -Monique

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Monique Palomares for sharing this song with the translation.