This song is a poem by Sophie Hüe (1815-1893) published in the late 1800's. It seems this song was taught in schools in the late 1800's to the early 1900's.

Le marchand de sable - French Children's Songs - France - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


"Crack, crack" is an onomatopoeia for the action of throwing the sand or opening the hand to do so.
*Or "Mais allez voir aussi les yeux" (But go also see the eyes) - This seems to be a later alternate line as the style doesn't match the rest of the poem.


You can listen to Le Marchand de Sable here.

It seems the original poem was only verses 1, 2 and 4 and no chorus as can be seen on this page. The original book in which it was first published isn't yet available in digital format at the BNF (France National Library).

Le marchand de sable - French Children's Songs - France - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World 1

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique Palomares with Lisa.