L'alouette avec le merlot
L'alouette avec le merlot
The Lark with the Blackbird
Chanson traditionnelle
Folk Song
L'alouette avec le merlot,
Tous les deux veulent se marier.
Tous les deux veulent se marier.
Y'a pas d' pain pour le déjeuner.
Belle jolivette*, jeune jolivette,
Oh ! mon oiseau qu'il est beau !
2. Il est venu Maître Corbeau,
Sous son aile apporte un flûtiau** :
"Pour du pain, vous en aurez bien.
Pour d' la viande, vous n'en aurez point !"
3. Il est venu Maître Héron,
Sous son aile apporte un jambon :
"Pour d' la viande vous en aurez bien.
Pour du vin, vous n'en aurez point !"
4. Il est venu une p'tite souris,
À son cou apporte un baril :
"Pour du vin, vous en aurez bien.
D' la musique, vous n'en aurez point !"
5. Il est venu bon gros rat,
Un gros tambour dessous son bras :
"Pour d' la musique, vous en aurez bien.
Si du chat m' garantissez bien !"
6. "J' te garantirons bien du chat,
Mais d' la chatte tu te méfieras !"
La chatte a descendu l' grenier
Elle emporte le tambourinier.
The lark with the blackbird,
They both want to get married.
They both want to get married.
There is no bread for lunch.
Beautiful pretty girl, young pretty girl,
Oh! My bird, how beautiful it is!
2. There came Master Raven,
Under his wing he brings a flute:
"As for bread, you'll get some.
As for meat, you won't have any!"
3. There came Master Heron,
Under his wing he brings a ham:
"As for meat, you'll get some.
As for wine, you won't have any!"
4. There came a little mouse,
On his neck he brings a barrel:
"As for wine, you'll get some.
As for music, you won't have any!"
5. There came a good, fat rat,
A big drum under his arm:
"As for music, you'll have some
If you protect me from the cat!"
6. "I'll protect you from the cat,
But you'll beware of the she-cat!"
The she-cat has come down from the attic
She takes the drummer away.
*Jolivette is a diminutive form of "pretty", meaning "pretty girl".
**Flutiau is a local form of "fluteau", a small, rudimentary flute. A "flute" is also a long, thin loaf of bread (its weight and size vary according to the region).
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.