Here's a troubadour song from the 12th century. It's about Spring, with the usual allegory of the young Spring Queen needing a young man in the dance of life, so she can renew.

The troubadours were poet musicians who lived between the 11th through the 13th centuries. They spoke Occitan, a romance language that can still be heard in parts of southern France, Italy and Spain.

A l'entrada del temps clar - Occitan Children's Songs - Occitania - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Author unknown.

"About the Occitan word 'joia' that's in the song, in the troubadours' time the word had a very strong meaning of 'joy of life'. It was a very deep feeling of happiness." -Monique

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translation: Monique and Lisa

Image from the "Chansonnier français, dit de Saint Germain des Prés" manuscript kept at the BNF (National Library of France), page 82v.