Santa Claus
This song is sung to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell.
Santa Claus
Christmas Song
What clatters on the roof?
With quick impatient hoofs?
I think it must be Santa Claus!
Hark! Old Santa Claus!
He's in his loaded sleigh.
I wonder what he brings,
What heaps of pretty things,
And how he gets them down the flue,
Hark! Down through the flue,
Just where the stockings hang!
'Tis cold as cold can be,
Yet I should like to see
If Santa Claus is dressed his best,
Hark! Dressed for his ride,
His ride around the world.
I guess I'll dare to peep,
He'll think me sound asleep;
Why there he is with heaps of toys!
Yes, heaps of toys!
Yes, there is Santa Claus!
Words and music by Nathan Haskell Dole (1852-1935)
This song is based on the old German students' song "Was kommt dort von der Höh". The tune is also used in the song Ein Schneider fing 'ne Maus and other versions of The Farmer in the Dell.