"I know of a Vietnamese song/rhyme about clapping hands. Perhaps it's not the most child-friendly of lyrics, however it's a longstanding song that grandmothers will sing to their grandchildren and get grandchildren to clap their hands, and then put their hands on their head. It's not an 'official' song, but rather one that's passed from generation to generation." –Amanda

"The kid and not the parent, of course, claps himself on the head at the end of the song. My son likes to replace the word 'đầu' or 'head' with different objects… Have fun teaching your kids new Vietnamese or English vocabulary as you sing this simple song." -VietMommy


"There are slight variations in lyrics between localities and communities, but overall the same meaning." -Amanda

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Amanda Luu for sharing this rhyme with the translation!

Cám ón!