This rhyme is also called the "ABC Handshake".


*Or "May daddy says do, re, me."

The oldest known version of this rhyme goes back to the childhood of Richard Wright who grew up in the 1910's – 20's. It can be found in his short story called, "Big Boy Leaves Home" from Uncle Tom's Children (1938)…

Bye n bye
Ah wanna piece of pie
Pies too sweet
Ah wanna piece of meat
Meats too red
Ah wanna piece of bread
Breads too brown
Ah wanna go t town
Towns too far
Ah wanna ketch a car
Cars too fas
Ah fall n break mah a*s
Ah'll understan it better bye n bye . . .


You can find more Versions of Wanna Piece of Pie on Mama Lisa's Blog. Check it out and feel free to add the version you know in the comments!

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Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
The kids in the video below use the lyrics at the top of the page except they add a couple of lines at the beginning which aren't traditionally heard. The version above starts at 0:08 in the video…
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