Ooh, Ah! I Wanna Piece of Pie
This rhyme is also called the "ABC Handshake".
Ooh, Ah! I Wanna Piece of Pie
Hand Clapping Song
ABC, as easy as 1, 2, 3,
My mama takes care of me,
My daddy watches MTV*
Ooh ah, I wanna piece of pie,
Pie too sweet,
I wanna piece of meat,
Meat too tough,
I wanna ride a bus,
Bus too full,
I wanna ride a bull,
Bull too black,
I want my money back,
Money back too green,
I wanna jelly bean,
Jelly bean not cooked,
I wanna read a book,
Book not read,
I wanna go to bed,
Bed not made
I wanna lemonade
Lemonade too sour
I wanna take a shower
Shower too cool
I wanna go to school,
School too dumb
I wanna suck my thumb,
Thumb too dirty,
I wanna ride a birdie,
Birdie too slow
And that's all I know,
So close your eyes
And count to ten,
Whoever messes up
Starts over again.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
*Or "May daddy says do, re, me."
The oldest known version of this rhyme goes back to the childhood of Richard Wright who grew up in the 1910's – 20's. It can be found in his short story called, "Big Boy Leaves Home" from Uncle Tom's Children (1938)…
Bye n bye
Ah wanna piece of pie
Pies too sweet
Ah wanna piece of meat
Meats too red
Ah wanna piece of bread
Breads too brown
Ah wanna go t town
Towns too far
Ah wanna ketch a car
Cars too fas
Ah fall n break mah a*s
Ah'll understan it better bye n bye . . .
You can find more Versions of Wanna Piece of Pie on Mama Lisa's Blog. Check it out and feel free to add the version you know in the comments!
