"La Dormette" is a nice old lady who throws sand and sleep into the eyes of children just like the Sandman.


*Or the name of the baby.

Version from 1866:

Passez la Dormette,
Passez par chez nous !
Endormir gars et fillettes
La nuit et le jou'.


Pass by Dormette
Pass by our house!
To put to sleep the boys and girls
All night and day.

The singer in the video sings the song with the name "Linette"…

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

The version of this nursery rhyme at the top of the page can be found in "Revue de Paris: journal critique, politique et littéraire" (1898), but with the name "Samuel". The version of this rhyme in the Song Notes can be found in "Chants et chansons populaires des provinces de l'ouest, Poitou, Saintonge, Aunis et Angoumois" (1866) by Jérôme Bujeaud.

Translated by Lisa.