Kur tu teci, gailīti mans?

Kur tu teci, gailīti mans?
Where are You Going my Rooster?
Folk Song
Folk Song
Kur tu teci,
Kur tu teci,
Gailīti mans?
Kur tu teci,
Kur tu teci,
Gailīti mans?
No rītīņa agrumā,
No rītīņa agrumā.
Ciemā teku,
Ciemā teku.
Meitas celt.
Ciemā teku,
Ciemā teku.
Meitas celt.
No rītīņa agrumā,
No rītīņa agrumā,
Ietecēju, ietecēju sētīņā.
Ietecēju, ietecēju sētīņā
Trīs reizītes nodziedāj.
Trīs reizītes nodziedāj.
Celies mana, сelies mana, līgaviņ.
Celies mana, сelies mana, līgaviņ.
Jau gailītis nodziedaj.
Jau gailītis nodziedaj.
Miedziņš nāk.
Miedziņš nāk.
No rītīņa agrumā,
No rītīņa agrumā.
Where are you going,
Where are you going
My rooster?
Where are you going,
Where are you going
My rooster?
So early in the morning*
So early in the morning.
I'm going to the village
I'm going to the village
To wake up the girls.
I'm going to the village
I'm going to the village
To wake up the girls.
So early in the morning
So early in the morning.
I'm going, I'm going into the yard.
I'm going, I'm going into the yard.
Three times you sing.
Three times you sing.
Wake up, wake up my bride.
Wake up, wake up my bride.
The rooster already sang
The rooster already sang.
I won't get up
I won't get up
I want to sleep.
I won't get up
I won't get up
I want to sleep.
So early in the morning
So early in the morning.
*At dawn.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Liga Kalnajs for pointing out this song and for checking the text and translation! Translated by Lisa Yannucci.