Brate Ivo
A Serbian version of Frère Jacques...
Ivo is the diminutive of Ivan.

Brate Ivo
Brother Ivo
Brate Ivo,
Brate Ivo,
Spavaš li,
Spavaš li?
Već sva zvona zvone,
Već sva zvona zvone,
Ding, dang, dong,
Ding, dang, dong.
Brother Ivo
Brother Ivo
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
All the bells are already ringing,
All the bells are already ringing
Ding, dang, dong.
Ding, dang, dong.
Serbia uses both Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. Here are the lyrics in Cyrillic letters:
Брате Иво,
Брате Иво,
спаваш ли?
спаваш ли?
Већ сва звона звоне,
Већ сва звона звоне,
Динг, данг, донг,
Динг, данг, донг.

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In the video below a music class sings Frère Jacques in French, Brother John in English and Brate Ivo in Serbian.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Photo: View of Zemun town with Saint Nicholas church and Danube river from Gardos Tower. Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.