무궁화 꽃 이 피었 습니다 (Mugunghwa kkoci pieot seumnida)
Variations of 무궁화 꽃 이 피었 습니다 (Mugunghwa kkoci pieot seumnida) are played around the world. It's the equivalent of "Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!"

무궁화 꽃 이 피었 습니다 (Mugunghwa kkoci pieot seumnida)
The Hibiscus Flowers Bloomed
무궁화 꽃 이 피었 습니다
The hibiscus flowers bloomed.
Mugunghwa kkoci pieot seumnida
Game Instructions
무궁화 꽃 이 피었 습니다 (Mugunghwa kkoci pieot seumnida) is played with a group of children.
The group stands on one end of the playing area, at the starting line. The person who is "It" stands at the other end, at the finish line, usually facing a tree.
The person who's "It" stands with his back to the group. He says, 무궁화 꽃 이 피었 습니다 (Mugunghwa kkoci pieot seumnida). Then he quickly turns around to face the group.
While he is facing away from the group, the people in the group run towards the finish line. Meanwhile, as soon as the one who's "It" finishes saying, 무궁화 꽃 이 피었 습니다 (Mugunghwa kkoci pieot seumnida) he quickly turns around to face the group. The group must freeze. Anyone who is seen moving has to hold hands with the one who's "It". After the 1st person joins hands with the one who's "It", the other people caught moving join hands with the other people who were seen moving, forming a chain.
The game continues like this until someone reaches the finish line and touches the person who's "It". Then everyone runs away while the one who's "It" tries to catch them.
The hibiscus is the national flower of South Korea.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Photo: Gwanghwamun Square, Seoul Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korean Culture and Information Service Korea.net, JEON HAN, cc.