El florón
"El florón" can translate as "fleuron" which is a little ornamental flower in a book or part of an architectural element. It can also have the botanical meaning of "floret", which is like a little flower that's one of a cluster that makes up a larger flower. It can also refer to a special object or jewel.
This song was collected in Texas in 1939.

El florón
The Jewel
Juego en círculo
Circle Game
El florón está en la mano
Y en la mano está el florón.
Adivine a quién lo tiene
O se queda de plantón.
Salga la china
¿Quién lo tendrá?
Y el que lo tenga me lo dirá.
¿El pan que te di?
-Me lo comí.
¿Y más te diera?
-Más comiera.
¿Y el huevito?
-En la ollita,
¿Y la sal?
-En su santísimo lugar.
The jewel is in the hand,
And in the hand is the jewel.
Guess who has it,
Or you'll keep standing.
Let the pebble out.
Who has it?
And the one who has it will tell me.
"The bread I gave to you?"
"I ate it."
"And if I gave you more?"
"I'd eat it."
"And the egg?"
"In the pot."
"And the salt?"
"In its most holy place."
Game Instructions
This can be played with a pebble or anything small enough to be kept hidden in the hands. This is the "jewel".
The children should go in a circle or a line holding hands. One child keeps the "jewel" hidden between his two hands. The hands should be stuck together, parallel to the floor. He goes from child to child, passing his hands between their hands. He finally drops the pebble in someone's hands without been seen. Whoever the song ends on must guess who has the pebble. If he does, he becomes the next "jewel holder", if he doesn't, he gets a penalty.
There are other ways of playing such as - if he doesn't guess, he must leave the game and so on until there are only 2 players left and then the game can begin again.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
This song can be found on the Library of Congress site. John and Ruby Lomax recorded a group of girls singing is from Blalock School near Brownsville, Texas in 1939. You can hear the song at that link.
Translation by Monique and Lisa.
¡Muchas gracias!