Pe trouz war an douar

Pe trouz war an douar
What's This Noise On Earth
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
1- Pe trouz war an douar, pe gan a glevan-me ?
Na kaer eo ar mouezhioù a zeu eus lein an neñv !
Aeled, lavarit deomp perak ho kanaouenn ?
Er bed petra nevez zo erru a laouen ?
2- Kanit ivez ganeomp, kanit, pobl an douar
Ni deu da lâret deoc'h un neventi hep par :
Ur Mabig benniget, Roue Jeruzalem,
A zo ganet 'vidoc'h e kêr a Vethleem.
3- En un taol 'kreiz an noz eo ganet war ar maez
En ur c'hozh kraou disto, 'kreiz an dristidigezh,
"C'hwi her c'havo eno, dister etre daou loen
'Vit tommañ e vemproù n'en deus 'met o alan".
4- Eno e vo gwelet Mestr bras an holl er bed
War un dornadig plouz en un nev astennet
Eñ zeu da vezañ paour 'vit hor pinvidikaat
'Vit distag ho kalon diouzh ar bed evit mat.
5- Erru eo an termen eus ar profesioù
O noz mil gwech eürus a dorr hol liammoù !
Kanit gloar hag enor da Jezuz, da Vari,
Deut eo Doue da zen, erru eo ar Mesi.
1- What is that noise on earth? What song do I hear?
What beautiful voices come from Heaven!
Angels, tell me why you sing.
What news has arrived in the world?
2- Sing with us, sing, people of the earth,
We come to tell you news without equal:
A blessed child, King of Jerusalem,
Was born for you in the town of Bethlehem.
3- He was born in the middle of the night, in the countryside,
In an old manger, in the middle of total sadness.
You'll find him there, between two beasts.
He has only their breath to warm his limbs.
4- There you will see the great ruler of the universe
Lying on a little straw in a manger.
He came here poor to bring us the greatest riches,
To free our hearts for good.
5- The fulfillment of the prophecies has come:
Oh night, a thousand times happy, that breaks our bonds!
Sing glory and honor to Jesus and Mary:
God made himself man, the Messiah has come.
Carol written by Father Pierre Noury, (1743-1804).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
The French translation has been established from the ones from Son ha ton, from Ar Gedour Mag and Claude Nadeau's.
1st photo: Nativity, stainless glass window, St Korentin Cathedral, Quimper, Brittany. –by Monique Palomares
2nd photo: Nativity, parish close calvary, Pleyben, Brittany. -by Monique Palomares
Translated by Monique Palomares with Lisa.