Chauffeur, si tu es champion
The translation is singable.
Chauffeur, si tu es champion
Driver, If You're a Champion
Chanson de bus
Bus Song
Chauffeur, si tu es champion,
Appui-e, appui-e,
Chauffeur, si tu es champion,
Appuie sur le champignon.
Appuie, oui, oui, oui,
Appuie, non, non, non,
Appuie sur le champignon,
Appuie, oui, oui, oui,
Appuie, non, non, non,
Appuie sur le champignon.
Driver, if you're a champion,
Step on the gas, step on the gas,
Driver, if you're a champion,
Step on it, step on the gas.
Step on it, yes, yes, yes,
Step on it, no, no, no,
Step on it, step on the gas,
Step on it, yes, yes, yes,
Step on it, no, no, no,
Step on it, step on the gas.
The original wording of "step on the gas" literally translates as "press the mushroom" because of the round, mushroom-like shape of the accelerator in early cars.
The first part is sung to the tune to "Si tu veux faire mon bonheur", the second part is sung to the tune to the drinking song Chevaliers de la Table Ronde.
