Demain c'est dimanche

Demain c'est dimanche
Tomorrow It's Sunday
Comptine d'élimination
Counting-out Rhyme
Demain c'est dimanche
Pierrot va danser,
Sa chemise blanche
Toute pétacée*.
Quand le moulin tourne
Pierrot se retourne,
Quand le moulin va
Pierrot fait caca,
Dans son petit plat
En bois.
Tomorrow it's Sunday,
Pierre's going to dance
With his white shirt
Full of patches.
When the mill is spinning
Pierre turns over,
When the mill is going
Pierre has a poop
In his wooden,
Little dish.
*Pétacée: Francitan for "patched". Francitan is Gallicized Occitan (the language of the Troubadours) in the same way Spanglish is anglicized Spanish.
Monique wrote, "We used to chant this while pointing to a child on each beat. On the last word, the child who was pointed to would go out. The last one in was "It". We were few students in my school, so it didn't last long. It's hard to know when and where these rhymes originate, but this one originated in Southern France before the early 1900's, because it had been adapted for a Carnival in Nîmes in 1907 as you can see on the front page of this newspaper".

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song, for the comments and the mp3 recording.
Merci beaucoup !