Bobo waro fero Satodeh
This song is sung in different languages around the world.
Bobo waro fero Satodeh
Everybody Loves Saturday Night
Folk Song
Folk Song
Gbogbo eniyan feran ale Satide
Gbogbo eniyan feran ale Satide
Satide, Satide, Satide, Satide
Gbogbo eniyan feran ale Satide.
Everybody loves Saturday night,
Everybody loves Saturday night,
Everybody, everybody,
Everybody, everybody,
Everybody loves Saturday night.
You can find the lyrics to this song written incorrectly as follows on the internet:
Bobo waro fero Satodeh.
Bobo waro fero Satodeh
Bobo waro, bobo waro
Bobo waro, bobo waro
Bobo waro fero Satodeh.
"I am not sure if you have heard from anyone else about this song, Bobo waro fero Satodeh but I believe the song is Yoruba..." -Gbemi Petersen

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Gbemi Petersen for helping with the language.