Monkey Drunk Stand Below
This is a call and response song. The lines of this song can be repeated in varying order. The leader says a line and the group responds with "Monkey drunk stand below."

Monkey Drunk Stand Below
Work Song
Leader: Monkey drunk stand below.
Group: Monkey drunk stand below.
Leader: Stand below and away we go.
Group: Monkey drunk stand below.
Leader: Stand below, (and) stand no more.
Group: Monkey drunk stand below.
Leader: Stand below from Mobile Bay.
Group: Monkey drunk stand below.
Leader: Where we bound to go today.
Group: Monkey drunk stand below.
Leader: Stand no more, stand below.
Group: Monkey drunk stand below.
Leader: Monkey drunk stand below.
Group: Monkey drunk stand below.
You can hear a version of this song here.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
This song was collected by Alan Lomax in 1962.
Image: Natural history of the animal kingdom for the use of young people : in three parts, comprising I. Mammalia: II. Birds : Part III. Reptiles, amphibia, fishes, insects, worms, molluscs, zoophytes, &c. : with 91 coloured plates, including about 850 figures, and numerous additional illustrations in the text (1889).
Thank you!