Hongorai rono simosimo romo
Motuna is spoken by the Siwai people of the Bougainville Province in Papua New Guinea. Only about 6600 people speak Motuna.
"Hongorai rono simosimo romo" is called a Poetic Song. In poetic songs you can find a synonym of a word from one line on the following line.

Hongorai rono simosimo romo
Moving Downstream on the Hongorai River
Traditional Song
Traditional Song
Hongorai rono simosimo romo
porohei rono ngomongomo romo
nuro saikoiyinno kotuna
nuro siruhennuno pituna
huhu karo kahropito
marawo karo keropito
We welcome help translating this song.
Please email me to help.
Thanks! -Mama Lisa
The Motuna language is also called Siwai, Telei or Rugara.
You can find more Motuna Songs here.