البلبل والحريه
"This one is called 'The Nightingale and Freedom". It's about a kind of swallow and it is found in children books...." -Ahmed

البلبل والحريه
The Nightingale "Bulbul" and Freedom
Children's Song
Children's Song
قد كان عندي بُلبُلاً حُلواً طــــــــــويلَ الذنبِ
أسكنتهُ في حُجرتي في قفصٍ من ذهـبي
كان يُغني دائماً بكُــــــــــــلٍ لحنٍ مـــــطربِ
ولم أكُن أمنعهُ من مـــــطعمٍ أو مشـــــــربِ
فولا مني هارباً بدون أدنى ســــــــــــــببِ
وقالَ لي حُريتي لا تُشترى بالذهـــــــــــبِ
I had a beautiful nightingale with a long tail.
I made him live in my room in a golden cage
And he was always singing in a beautiful tune.
I never prevented him from eating or drinking.
He ran away from me without any reason
And told me, "My freedom is not bought with gold".
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ahmed Albabili for sharing this song with us and for the English translation. Ahmed has a Facebook Group called Learning English "Ask and We Shall Answer".
Photo: "Nightingale of ancient Uglich" by cheloVechek - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.