Fais dodo, poulette
Poulette is literally "little hen". It's also an endearing name for a little girl, as in this lullaby...

Fais dodo, poulette
Go to Sleep, Sweetie
Fais dodo, poulette,
Fais dodo, poulette,
Car ta maman va s'en aller
À la rivière
Laver des affaires
Pour son tout petit bébé.
Go to sleep, sweetie,
Go to sleep, sweetie,
Your mommy is about to go
To the river
To wash clothes
For her tiny, little baby.

Many thanks to Charlotte from the IUFM (French Teachers Training College) from St Brieuc (Brittany) for singing this song for us.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Illustration: Walter Satterlee
Merci beaucoup!