赤い 靴 (Akai Kutsu)
"Akai Kutsu" (Red Shoes) is a kids song about a girl who is adopted by foreigners and taken to the U.S.

赤い 靴 (Akai Kutsu)
Red Shoes
Children's Song
Children's Song
1.赤い靴 はいてた 女の子
異人さんに つれられて いっちゃった
2.横浜の 埠頭(はとば)から 船に乗って
異人さんに つれられて 行っちゃった
3.今では 青い目に なっちゃって
異人さんの お国に いるんだろう
4.赤い靴 見るたび 考える
異人さんに 逢(あ)うたび 考える
1. The girl wearing red shoes has
Gone to America with a foreigner.
2. She took a ship from the wharf in Yokohama,
Gone to America with a foreigner.
3. Now her eyes have turned blue,
I wonder about her as a foreigner in that country.
4. Every time I see red shoes, I think of her
Every time I meet a foreigner, I think of her.
Written in the early 20th century by Japanese Poet, Ujoo Noguchi, music by Nagayo Motoori.
1. Akai kutsu haiteta on'na no ko
Ijinsan ni tsurerarete icchatta
2. Yokohama no hatoba kara fune ni notte
Ijinsan ni tsurerarete icchatta
3. Ima dewa aoi me ni nacchatte
Ijinsan no okuni ni irun'daroo
4. Akai kutsu miru tabi kangaeru
Ijinsan ni au tabi kangaeru
