"This is a song I learnt from my French grandmother. She taught it to us as children, and we used to sing it as we marched together on woodland walks. Many happy memories." –Eleanor Blaxband Ashby


Alternate Version:

Un, deux, trois,
nous irons au bois.
Quatre, cinq, six,
cueillir des cerises.
Sept, huit, neuf,
dans un panier neuf.
Dix, onze, douze,
elles seront toutes rouges.

English translation

One, two, three,
We'll go into the woods.
Four, five, six,
To pick cherries.
Seven, eight, nine,
(To put) in a new basket.
Ten, eleven, twelve,
They will be all red.



Many thanks to Monique Palomares for singing this for us!

The 2nd mp3 is the alternate version of the rhyme that's in the song notes.


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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Un, deux, trois, nous allons au bois

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Aline Giuseppi of Algiers for contributing and translating this song.
