Qui a mordu dans la lune
"Qui a mordu dans la lune" (Who Took a Bite of the Moon) is sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". The English translation fits the tune.
Qui a mordu dans la lune
Who Took a Bite of the Moon?
Chanson enfantine
Children's Song
Qui a mordu dans la lune
Il n'en reste qu'un croissant
Où donc est la pleine lune
Toute en or et en argent
Elle a tellement disparu
Qu'il n'en reste bientôt plus.
Who took a bite of the moon?
There's just a crescent moon left.
Where oh where can the full moon be
All dressed in gold and silver
So much of it disappeared
That soon there'll be nothing left.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Edit' Dupont for contributing and singing this song for Mama Lisa's World.
Merci beaucoup!