Mon âne - French Children's Songs - France - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


*"Oui-da" is an old popular expression in which "da" is an intensifier of "oui". The most well-known version of this song doesn't go "et des souliers, oui-da" (and shoes, oh yes) but "et des souliers lilas" (and lilac colored shoes).
**Name Days are celebrated in Europe and South America. A person's name day is the Saint's Day of the Saint that the person was named after.



Many thanks to Edit' Dupont for contributing and singing this song for Mama Lisa's World.


MP3: Monique Palomares

Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Mon âne

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Lisa Yannucci and Monique Palomares.

Thanks to Lila Pomerantz for the drawing!

Merci beaucoup!