La rivièr Tanié
This lullaby is a traditional song that's based on a slaves' song.

La rivièr Tanié
I Went By the Lataniers River
(Mauritian Creole)
Mo passé la rivièr Tanié
Mo zouène ène vié gran mama
Mo diman li ki li fer la
Li dir mwa li lapès kabo.
Way way mo zanfan
Fo travay pour gagne son pain,
Way way mo zanfan
Fo travay pour gagne son pain.
I went by the Lataniers River
I met an old grandma.
I asked her what she was doing there,
She said she was fishing chubs.
Alas, alas, my children,
One must work to earn one's living,
Alas, alas, my children,
One must work to earn one's living.
Lataniers river is near Port-Louis, Mauritius' capital city.
Chubs are freshwater fish related to carp.
This song has two verses, here is the second one:
Grand dimoune ki wa pé faire
Sa ki vié rest dans lacaz
Li dir moi
Moi bien mizere, mais mo ena tout mo couraz
Way way, mes zenfants,
Fo travay pour gagne son pain
Way way, mes zenfants,
Fo travay pour gagne son pain
English translation
Old woman, what are you doing,
The old ones stay home (in their cabin)
She told me
"I'm very poor but I have all my courage".
Alas, alas, my children,
One must work to earn one's living,
Alas, alas, my children,
One must work to earn one's living.
You can listen to others renditions on Brittany, France's Babord Armures' web site where you can also read an explanation about the lyrics (in French).

The 2nd recording is just slightly different from the first one. Enjoy!
Many thanks to Marie Rabeisen for contributing the first verse of this song, translating it into French and for recording both mp3's for us!
