Bonjour ma cousine
This can be played as a circle game.
Bonjour ma cousine
Good Day, My Cousin
Chanson mimée
Action Song
Bonjour ma cousine
Bonjour mon cousin germain
On m'a dit que vous m'aimiez
Est-ce bien la vérité
Je n' m'en soucie guère
Je n' m'en soucie guère
Passez par ici et moi par là
Au revoir ma cousine et puis voilà.
Good day, my cousin,
Good day my dear first cousin,
I was told that you loved me
Please say the real truth to me*
I hardly do care
I hardly do care
Go this way, I'll go that way,
Goodbye my cousin, no more to say.
*Literally, "Is it the real truth?"
The first line addresses a female cousin, while the second addresses her male first cousin.
The translation is singable.
Game Instructions
Every child gets a partner and they form a circle. The partners face each other and make the same movements.
"Bonjour ma cousine" : they shake their right hands.
"Bonjour mon cousin germain" : the left hand.
"On m'a dit que vous m'aimiez" : they wave their right forefinger as if threatening or saying, "Beware!"
"Est-ce bien la vérité ?" : wave the left forefinger.
"Je n' m'en soucie guère" : they wave their right hands over their right shoulder.
"Je n' m'en soucie guère" : the left hand.
"Passez par ici" : each one indicates the forward direction on the right.
"Et moi par là" : each one indicates the backward direction on the left.
"Au r'voir ma cousine et puis voilà" : they shake their right hands, step forward and meet another partner.
Start over again.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translation: Monique Palomares
Merci beaucoup!