Một con vịt

Một con vịt
One Duck
Children's Song
Children's Song
Một con vịt xòe ra hai cái cánh.
Nó kêu rằng quác quác quác, quạc quạc quạc.
Gặp hồ nước nó bì bà bì bõm.
Lúc lên bờ vẫy cái cho khô.
One duck opens its two wings,
It says quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack,
It jumps into a pond with much splashing noise,
Then it goes ashore waving its wings to dry itself.
Luu wrote, "I would like to contribute to your wonderful site some songs which every Vietnamese knows and chants."

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Luu Thuy for contributing and translating this song. Many thanks to Gracie Gralike for the illustrations.
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