La nòvia
This song is in Gascon dialect. It's a " song of nine". A "song of nine" is a song that starts with 9 items on the first verse then the number of items decrease with each verse till it reaches 1.
La nòvia
The Bride
Wedding Song
Wedding Song
La nòvia qu'a nau brilhants suu cap
La nòvia qu'a nau brilhants suu cap
Nau brilhants suu cap,
L'anèth au dit.
La nòvia qu'a ueit brilhants suu cap
La nòvia qu'a ueit brilhants suu cap
Ueit brilhants suu cap,
L'anèth au dit.
La nòvia qu'a sèt brilhants suu cap
La nòvia qu'a sèt brilhants suu cap
Sèt brilhants suu cap,
L'anèth au dit.
La nòvia qu'a sheis brilhants suu cap
La nòvia qu'a sheis brilhants suu cap
Sheis brilhants suu cap,
L'anèth au dit.
La nòvia qu'a cinc brilhants suu cap
La nòvia qu'a cinc brilhants suu cap
Cinc brilhants suu cap,
L'anèth au dit.
La nòvia qu'a tres brilhants suu cap
La nòvia qu'a tres brilhants suu cap
Tres brilhants suu cap,
L'anèth au dit.
La nòvia qu'a dus brilhants suu cap
La nòvia qu'a dus brilhants suu cap
Dus brilhants suu cap,
L'anèth au dit.
La nòvia qu'a un brilhant suu cap
La nòvia qu'a un brilhant suu cap
Un brilhant suu cap,
L'anèth au dit.
The bride has nine diamonds on her head
The bride has nine diamonds on her head,
Nine diamonds on her head,
The ring on her finger.
The bride has eight diamonds on her head
The bride has eight diamonds on her head,
Eight diamonds on her head,
The ring on her finger.
The bride has seven diamonds on her head
The bride has seven diamonds on her head,
Seven diamonds on her head,
The ring on her finger.
The bride has six diamonds on her head
The bride has six diamonds on her head,
Six diamonds on her head,
The ring on her finger.
The bride has five diamonds on her head
The bride has five diamonds on her head,
Five diamonds on her head,
The ring on her finger.
The bride has three diamonds on her head
The bride has three diamonds on her head,
Three diamonds on her head,
The ring on her finger.
The bride has two diamonds on her head
The bride has two diamonds on her head,
Two diamonds on her head,
The ring on her finger.
The bride has one diamond on her head
The bride has one diamond on her head,
One diamond on her head,
The ring on her finger.
1. "Four" has been skipped because it has two syllables (quate).
2. "L'anèth" is "anneau" meaning "band" = "ring without anything on it". "Anèth" translated as "ring" actually means "wedding band".
Monique wrote: "'Nòvia' means bride meaning newly married or 'just about to be married', but it also means 'fiancé' (specifically the woman). In this case it's the wedding day meaning of "bride", meaning just before and just after the ceremony. Thus, in the song, the meaning of "nòvia" and "bride" are the same."

Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing, translating and singing this song and contributing the midi and score.
