J'entends à notre porte

J'entends à notre porte
I Hear at Our Door
Chanson de Noël
Christmas Carol
J'entends à notre porte
Frapper trois petits coups
C'est Noël qui apporte
Des bonbons des joujoux
Par les chemins de neige
Il a marché longtemps
Dans un joyeux cortège
De beaux papillons blancs.
I hear at our door
Three little knocks,
It's Father Christmas who's bringing
Sweets and toys.
Along the snowy ways
He has walked a long time
In a joyful procession
Of beautiful white butterflies.
The translation above is literal, here's a singable translation…
I hear someone at our door
Softly knocking three times
It is Santa who's bringing
Sweets and toys from the sky.
Along the roads full of snow
He has walked a long time
In a joyful procession
Of nice white butterflies.
This song is sung to the tune of "Away in a Manger" which was first published in the US in 1885 in a book called Little Children's Book for Schools and Families.
There are two different tunes to the English song. One of them is the same as this one. This tune was written William J. Kirkpatrick and was published in 1895. It's called Cradle Song. The other tune was written by James R. Murray in 1887 and is called Mueller. Murray's tune is better known in the U.S.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Image: "Joyeux Noel" from a postcard ca. 1910.
Merci beaucoup!