Passe, passe, passera
Passe, passe, passera
Pass, Pass, You Will Pass
Chanson enfantine
Singing Game
Passe, passe, passera
La dernière, la dernière
Passe, passe, passera,
La dernière restera.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle a donc fait
La petite hirondelle ?
Elle nous a volé
Trois petits grains de blé.
Nous la rattraperons
La petite hirondelle,
Et nous lui donnerons
Trois petits coups de bâton.
Pass, pass, you will pass,
The one who's last, the one who's last,
Pass, pass, you will pass,
The one who's last will not pass.
What was its deceit,
The wee little swallow,
From us it did steal
Three grains of our wheat.
We will catch it,
The wee little swallow,
And we will give it
Three blows with a stick.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.
Merci beaucoup!