Thằng Bờm có cái quạt mo
Luu Thuy, the contributor of the following folk song, wrote me: "Phu ong is a special imaginary character in folktales. He is a little fellow who is very dull. People often give the name Bom to someone who is stupid and naive. Phu ong is an old word that means rich man. This humorous story wants to tell also about the stupidity of the rich man.
This folk-song is quite famous all over the country. And mothers or grandmothers sing it to lull their little babies to sleep."
Thằng Bờm có cái quạt mo
Little Fellow Bom
Folk Song
Folk Song
Thằng Bờm có cái quạt mo,
Phú ông xin đổi ba bò chín trâu.
Bờm rằng: Bờm chẳng lấy trâu.
Phú ông xin đổi một xâu cá mè.
Bờm rằng: Bờm chẳng lấy mè.
Phú ông xin đổi một bè gỗ lim.
Bờm rằng: Bờm chẳng lấy lim.
Phú ông xin đổi con chim đồi mồi.
Bờm rằng: Bờm chẳng lấy mồi.
Phú ông xin đổi nắm xôi, Bờm cười.
Little fellow Bom has an areca spathe fan*,
Phu ong begs him to exchange it for three oxen and nine buffalos,
Bom says that Bom does not want to take them.
Phu ong begs him to exchange it for a dozen fish**,
Bom says that Bom does not want to take them.
Phu ong begs him to exchange it for a raft of ironwood,
Bom says that Bom does not want to take it
Phu ong begs him to exchange it for a couple of birds,
Bom says that Bom does not want to take them.
Phu ong begs him to exchange it for a handful of sticky rice,
Bom accepts at once with a happy smile.
* "This fan was very common in the past. In fact, it is a part of a leaf from a tree called areca tree. In this case, the story is funny because he is only a poor guy and he has a fan (which is very common and very easy to get), but Phu Ong, the rich but stupid man, absolutely wants to get it by exchanging for it anything he can afford."
** "In the past, even now, some fishers go fishing and then when they get some fish, they take a string, put their spoils (fish) together with the string and go to the market or go home proudly."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Luu Thuy for contributing and translating this folk song and for providing such interesting commentary.
Cám ón!