
Comptine d'élimination
Counting-out Rhyme
Pimpanicaille, le roi des papillons,
Se faisant la barbe s'est coupé le menton
Un deux trois de bois
Quatre cinq six de buis
Sept huit neuf de bœuf
Dix onze douze de bouse
Va-t-en à Toulouse.
Pimpanicaille, the king of butterflies,
While he was shaving himself, he got cut on the chin,
One, two, three, of wood,
Four, five, six, of boxwood,
Seven, eight, nine, of ox
Ten, eleven, twelve, of cowdung
Go to Toulouse.
The translation above is literal. Here is a "singable" translation…
Pimpanicaille, the king of butterflies,
While shaving his grin, he got cut on the chin,
One, two, three, a tree,
Four, five, six, some sticks,
Seven, eight, nine, fine,
Ten, eleven, twelve,
Go to New Rochelle.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Edit' Dupont for contributing and singing this song for Mama Lisa's World.
Literal English translation by Monique Palomares. Singable English translation by Monique Palomares, Lisa Yannucci and Jason Pomerantz.
Many thanks to Gracie Gralike for the illustration!
Merci beaucoup!