Bonjour Guillaume
Bonjour Guillaume is a circle game. You can learn how to play it below...
Bonjour Guillaume
Good Morning, William
Jeu en cercle
Circle Game
Bonjour Guillaume
As-tu bien déjeuné?
Oh oui madame,
J'ai mange du pâté,
Du pâté d'alouette,
Guillaume et Guillaumette,
Chacun s'embrassera,
Guillaume restera.
Good morning William,
Did you have a good breakfast?
Oh, yes, madam,
I had some paté,
Lark paté,
William and Wilma,
Everyone hugs each other,
William will be left alone.
Here's a "singable" translation:
Good morning, William,
Was your breakfast good?
Yes indeed, madam,
Pâté was very good,
Pâté made with skylark,
William and Wilma Clark,
Everyone finds their friend,
William's alone again.
Game Instructions
You need an odd number of players to play this game. The children hold hands and form a circle. One child goes in the center, s/he is "William". The children walk around in a circle and sing. At the end of the song, the children hug each other two by two. The one remaining alone is the next "William" and the game starts all over again.
The tune in the mp3 is slightly different from the one in the midi.
